Laddering Your Success

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Laddering Your Success

Start the Climb with Laddering Your Success


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Laddering Your Success


How to be more productive when you’re Lesson planning

Lesson planning can be time-consuming and challenging for teachers, especially when dealing with the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) curriculum. However, with the right strategies and tools, teachers can become more productive when lesson planning and ultimately improve student achievement.

One key strategy is to use a modified curriculum. This means that instead of strictly following the TEKS curriculum, teachers can adapt it to meet their students’ needs. By doing this, teachers can ensure that the content is relevant and engaging for their students, leading to better student engagement and understanding.

Another strategy is to use differentiated learning. Differentiated learning is a teaching approach that focuses on meeting the needs of all students in the classroom by providing different learning experiences for different students. For example, a teacher might provide a visual learner with an illustrated textbook while providing an auditory learner with an audio recording of the same information. By differentiating instruction, teachers can ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed.

To be more productive when planning a lesson, teachers can also use technology tools. For example, lesson planning software can help teachers organize their lesson plans, track student progress, and communicate with other teachers and parents. Additionally, many apps available for teachers can help organize lesson plans, create assessments, and provide students with interactive learning experiences.

Another way to be more productive when lesson planning is to collaborate with other teachers. Teachers can share ideas, resources, and strategies for improving student achievement by working together. This can also help teachers stay motivated and up-to-date with the latest teaching practices.

In summary, teachers can use a modified curriculum, differentiated learning, technology tools, and collaboration with other teachers to be more productive when planning a lesson. By implementing these strategies and tools, teachers can improve student achievement and make the lesson-planning process more efficient. We developed the LYS Classroom app to help you provide students with structure, flow, and evidence-based trackable learning. 

An LYS Teacher is at the forefront of implementing revolutionary lessons in the classroom that will ensure your students’ success by igniting their hopes and goals and preparing them for a successful life and career.

They empower their students through creative and imaginative lesson plans by incorporating decision-making tools, life skills, SEL, and hard/soft skills that students can use for a path of direction to pursue college and a variety of post-high school options.

The result is an LYS personal path of purpose based on students’ strengths and interests to pursue their passions after high school. Incorporating Character, SEL, and hard/soft skills into their lessons effortlessly using our Being, Know, Doing Methodology. Learn more about LYS Classroom App by visiting our website.

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Laddering Your Success Staff

This account is a team led account that represents the ideas, views, and general personality of the LYS team.

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Welcome to Laddering Your Success (LYS)! Our organization’s mission and focus is centered on providing all students a pathway for success that is proven and purpose-driven. We provide simple and easy to use strategies to remove roadblocks in their career pursuits and turn today’s dreams into a future path of unlimited possibilities.

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How to be more productive when you’re Lesson planning

Picture of Laddering Your Success Staff

Laddering Your Success Staff

This account is a team led account that represents the ideas, views, and general personality of the LYS team.

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About LYS

Welcome to Laddering Your Success (LYS)! Our organization’s mission and focus is centered on providing all students a pathway for success that is proven and purpose-driven. We provide simple and easy to use strategies to remove roadblocks in their career pursuits and turn today’s dreams into a future path of unlimited possibilities.

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Are you graduating soon or thinking about college? Need a nudge or help to decide? This book has a very balanced and open-minded way of presenting your next steps.

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